HDBW-College of Bavarian Economy

Product Lifecycle Management

Our employee Mr. Tim Dehnert, Senior Consultant, was invited as guest speaker at the HDBW on 02.10.2019. In the industrial engineering lecture Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) with Prof. Holly Ott he gave a lecture on “Digital Twins and Digital Masters – use and development for today’s industry

CM-Trends become CM-Experience

Save the Date 22. November 2019.

So that we are not confused with the conference in the USA, we habe renamed our half-yearly event. In the future it will no longer be called CM-Trends, it will be called CM-Experience. This will now take place for the fifth time on 22. November 2019. For once not in our offices but at Krauss Maffei Wegmann in Allach in the north of Munich.

Look forward to highly interesting conversations, varied duscussions and unique netwrking opportunity with other Configuration Management experts from the industry.
We will be pleased to send you further information about our event on request.

ACE Europe 5.-6. November 2019

Collaboration is the key to successful business development and ACE Europe is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people or see how other companies are dealing with digital transformation.
As an ARAS partner, we will also be there with a booth and offer you the opportunity to discuss with us your special requirements for the PLM of the future.
Have a look at our stand!

training dates 2020

With the Philotech Academy we are able to bring you much more topics closer than has been the case up to now. To get a good overview of all Academy topics, we recommend the training catalogue, which you can find under the following link:

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Munich PLM Symposium

The munich PLM Symposium will take place on 12. September 2019.
As a member of the Advisory Committee for Product Lifecycle Management of the Munich University of Applied Sciences, the organzizer of the Munich PLM Symposium (https://www.munichplm.de/), we will of course be there again this year.

There will be exciting presentation on topics such as “Digital Twin”, “Model Based System Engineering (MBSE)” and “Artificial Intelligence”. How does all this affect PLM and Configuration Manageent in particular? We will try present this in our presentation on “Future Configuration Management” at the symposium.
We look forward to your participation!

CMPIC Master

Successful certification as the first CMPIC Master in Europe. This now also allows usb GmbH to exclusively train the Configuration Management (CM) standard SAE EIA 649-C and 649-1 (CM requirement for defence contracts) in Europe in addition to the basic courses 1 – 4 of CMPIC.