Configuration Management


Nowadays, Configuration Management (CM) has a significant impact on the success of medium-sized companies. In addition, CM is a component of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Configuration management ensures quality, effectiveness and efficiency both in product development and later in the production process and in the continuous improvement of products. This makes CM an important management discipline. When applied consistently throughout the life of a product, it ensures transparency and monitoring of its functional and physical characteristics.

We at Bertrandt Systems & Consulting GmbH (previously known as usb) are happy to provide advice. Contact us:

                         .Configuration Management ist eine wichtige Managementdisziplin.

Our CM-Expertise for your success

Lösungen für Configuration Management

The introduction of your CM focuses on process optimization and the use of strategic methods. Here Bertrandt Systems & Consulting is your experienced partner at your side. Because we offer the entire portfolio for professional configuration management: from as-is analysis to conception, implementation, continuous support and system optimization. We also provide training for your employees. Our certified experts analyze all CM processes in your company. The resulting report identifies any anomalies and shows potential optimization. And if required, our tailor-made support for the implementation of PLM systems rounds off our service.


European CMPIC-Training-Center

The Configuration Management Process Improvement Center (CMPIC) offers highly qualified and cost-effective training and consulting services. All learning contents and information are state-of-the-art in the field of Configuration Management. CMPIC is supported by the University of Houston, TX. Bertrandt Systems & Consulting (previously known as usb) is the European training center for CMPIC.

                                    .Die usb ist das europäische Trainings-Center für CMPIC.

Configuration Management Training

Seminarangebot der usb in den Bereichen Product Lifecycle Management und Configuration Management

Our seminars are aimed at people who want to gain an overview of CM, as well as at technicians and engineers who are confronted with CM tasks in day-to-day business.

The schedule, prices as well as an online registration you can find at our partner Philotech Academy or you contact us per E-Mail to